Montag, 8. Juli 2013


EDIT - post von letztem mittwoch (!!), von dem ich nicht gemerkt hatte, dass er nicht hochgeladen wurde.. shame on me! (!!) 
passiert wohl mit guest-wifi, die sind immer langsamer als gewohnt, da habe ich wohl zu schnell weggeklickt.. 

With a glass of wine, every project seems easier to start, every goal seems easier to reach, and every task seems easier to fulfill. Not new to our knowledge, of course, but still fulfilling and making me believe in my ideas and thrivings. Well, I felt quickened, so i had to share.

Last evening in San Francisco that is, we're sitting outside in Hayes Valley after a rich Mezze Platter, finishing up our bottle of white wine we ordered to celebrate our sunny, happy 2 months here, cheering to our ten days of vacation as a family lying ahead. Why the english, suddenly? Because I've even more grown to like that language and it's way to express feelings and thoughts. And simply out of (happy) habit. I really really do like it here, being away from my comfort (or in some aspects uncomfort) zone, despite the hard feelings I have being away from my loved ones, my very very dear family and friends. Although i could just say family, since I count my friends as such.

Well let's see what further life projects could or will contain. However, cheers to a good 4th of July for you! 

(bad layout due to iphone-posting, sorry)

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